There are many types of fears.
Milica in her 20s faced the fear of the bombing, dancing on the bridge in Belgrade, with a sticker on the front as a target. With open chest. I am here. I'm not afraid. She was screaming. A mother was circumcised her son, in a house that was not their, hidden in the Herzegovina mountains. with the only photograph of hes life, the only one she could take with her. Lost.

Zoran was 6 when had been sent to Sicily alone, Split was no longer a safe place. Fear.What fears are overcoming those fleeing their homes in search of help. What can be the fear of a mother facing the unknown.
Milica now is walking proud. Not afraid. She faces and lives life with open chest. The target on the forehead will always be there. How you have to face the fears. Fearless.
Sometimes you need to be told that every things will go all right.
The fear of tomorrow, of the death, of being alone.
Parents's fear projected upon us.
Fear stifles and does not make you breathe.
Tinkerbell always been there for Peter.
And Peter?
He has chose Wendy.
( it )
Ci sono molti tipi di paure.
Milica in her 20s faced the fear of the bombing, dancing on the bridge in Belgrade, with a sticker on the front as a target. With open chest. I am here. I'm not afraid. She was screaming. A mother was circumcised her son, in a house that was not their, hidden in the Herzegovina mountains. with the only photograph of hes life, the only one she could take with her. Lost.

Zoran was 6 when had been sent to Sicily alone, Split was no longer a safe place. Fear.What fears are overcoming those fleeing their homes in search of help. What can be the fear of a mother facing the unknown.
Milica now is walking proud. Not afraid. She faces and lives life with open chest. The target on the forehead will always be there. How you have to face the fears. Fearless.
Sometimes you need to be told that every things will go all right.
The fear of tomorrow, of the death, of being alone.
Parents's fear projected upon us.
Fear stifles and does not make you breathe.
Tinkerbell always been there for Peter.
And Peter?
He has chose Wendy.
( it )
Ci sono molti tipi di paure.
Milica a 20anni affrontava la paura
dei bombardamenti ballando sul ponte di Belgrado, con un adesivo in fronte. A
petto aperto facendo da bersaglio. Dicendo Io sono qui. Io non ho paura.
Una madre faceva circoncidere il
figlio, in una casa che non era la loro nascosta tra i monti dell’ Herzegovina,
con l’unica fotografia della sua vita che è riuscita a portar via. Si nasconde
la paura agli occhi di un figlio.
Zoran era stato mandato in sicilia,
Split non era più un posto sicuro. La paura dell’abbandono.
Quali paure stanno superando chi fugge
dalla propria casa in cerca di aiuto.
Quale può essere la paura per una madre che affronta l’ignoto.
Milica cammina a testa alta. Non ha
paura. Affronta e vive la vita a petto aperto. Il
bersaglio sulla fronte sarà sempre li. Perchè e' cosi che bisogna affrontare le paure. Senza paura. A volte si a bisogno di sentirsi dire che andra' tutto bene. La paura del domani, della morte, di rimanere soli.
La paura dei genitori proiettata su di noi.
La paura soffoca e non ti fa respirare.
Piantala con questi mostri, Michele. I mostri non esistono. I fantasmi, i lupi mannari, le streghe sono fesserie inventate per mettere paura ai creduloni come te. Devi avere paura degli uomini, non dei mostri.( Io Non Ho Paura )
La paura dei genitori proiettata su di noi.
La paura soffoca e non ti fa respirare.
Piantala con questi mostri, Michele. I mostri non esistono. I fantasmi, i lupi mannari, le streghe sono fesserie inventate per mettere paura ai creduloni come te. Devi avere paura degli uomini, non dei mostri.( Io Non Ho Paura )
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